Exploring: The Golden Bird

The weather remained warm and sticky and my singlet clung to my skin as I roamed through the jungle.  Many of the animals here seem unafraid of humans, and a toucan remained obligingly still as I snapped a picture for my records.

I wandered through the undergrowth and spied a rough hewn set of steps, hacked from the mossy ground. "Mysterious...", I thought, "surely these must lead somewhere...." 

Tightening my resolve I followed the path which led to a small plateau. Most curiously three small platforms encircled a larger plinth. I studied the scene for a second and thoughts came unbidden to me that I should seek two others to join me if I wanted to solve this mystery.

By chance a passing couple came to my assistance and a great mystery was revealed to our astonished eyes: a Golden Bird which, when unveiled and touched, offers a gift beyond all value!

Truly, the Amazon River never ceases to amaze!
